Friday, November 18, 2005
Google Phone Book - Handy Dandy!

I've always found the Google Phone Book handy but I've always had trouble getting it to kick in when I type my query in the regular window. So one day when I was successful at getting it to kick in I saved the page as a bookmark (favorite) and now whenever I want to do a search I just open it up and it works like a charm. The context is "name, city state" or you can do just "name, state" which is what my example shows. I hope you find it useful!
Google Local - Interactive Yellow Pages
Google Spy - Not Too Covert
Google Alerts - Your best queries delivered to your email!

It occured to me that most people would and should be very interested in what an internet search with their name in it pulls up. Even if it isn't you, you should know about it. Mostly because the internet is used as a tool by law enforcement, insurance companies, and available to anyone who wants to profile you. Information is so easy to get now that someone with an axe to grind can query the net for your information and pick up everything that is available and associated with your name. This could include court records, housing costs, maybe even a blue print of your home. Your internet identity is becoming a representable part of yourself, a responsibility to know about. So query for yourself and your loved ones and see what is out there. Even if it isn't you, someone might think it is you! Your internet ID will become a part of your responsible identity in the future. It will become standard to have your portfolio and resume online along with details of your accomplishments. Some day there may be a "standard id that you have to keep up on the internet maybe you will have to use it to log on. How about that!
I use this service a lot. I have several queries set up and Google Alerts automatically does the search and then sends me a link with the results every week. Over time you learn to modify your search to eliminate the junk. I have a search with my name in it and there is a mayor with the same name so I change my quote and added -mayor...
This is a really handy service. To do it you need to sign up for the "customized google service". Google has to have your email address so it knows where to send the results...
Google Text to Phone! Send text messages to mobile phones!!

Google is into everything. These Google guys keep coming up with new and exciting things and rolling them out. In the link below, as long as you know the carrier, you can send text messages to any mobile phone. Try it out and let me know if you like it!
The extension that enables this is a Firefox extension. They have a link on the Google page to the Firefox pages. However, if you prefer, you can link through Mighty Joe's Firefox. On the left panel there are links to the general extension pages. I don't have a specific link to the cell phone extension because I don't use it that much.
Google Does Groups!

Much like Yahoo's service, Google offers a "groups" service as well. It's got a great interface and I think everyone should be aware of it. We all have interests and the groups are a great way to share our interests with like minded people. Check out Google's version.
Google Web Search From Your Personal Web Page!

If you have a web page you can put the Google search engine on it and the search engine will also search your web site. All you have to do is go to the link below and paste the text into your source code. Unfortunately it doesn't work on the "blogger" site. I actually put one on my site and worked on it for quite some time but the "site search" never worked however the web search worked fine. I think it is because I didn't own the "site" or have control over the directory... it's got something to do with the way it is set up :)
So if you manage your own site this could be of great use to you!
Google Video - The Way to Share Your Videos With the World

This is a new service from Google. You have to download client software but then it allows you to post your videos on a Google server and anyone can search, find, and view it! I was one of the first to download this software. Ever since I missed my chance for a Google mail account I've been eager to jump on new Google services. So this is one of the new things.
You can download the client from the link below.
This is where you can search for Google Video's that people have uploaded. Sorry, there is no sexxy stuff here. I've already tried!!!
This is the "official Google Video Blog" link. Here you will find all kinds of advice on working with Google Video as well as links to some of the funnies videos. Check it out!!
Here is a link to an independent video blog that picks out a lot of great videos.
Google Blog Search - Get The Information You Need!
Of course Google is now doing blog searches. Only one of my blogs shows up if I type in "Mighty Joe" so it isn't perfect yet :) but I am happy that Mighty Joe's Freeware shows up. If you are looking for a blog this is one of the best ways to find it.
Did You Know - You Can Review Most Catalogs Through Google?

If you didn't know about this service you should really check it out. Most of the popular catalogs are in here but there are lots of other catalogs that you probably have never seen before. Pick a subject that you are interested in and wind your way through the index until you find the right list of catalogs. I could spend hours looking at this stuff. There are some really off the wall catalogs out there!!!
Make A Customized Google Home Page
I use Google's customized page as the home page in my browser. I really think Google is doing
some great things and this page is a pleasant and easy way to enter the Internet. Basically, you can subscribe to RSS feeds and organize them on your page and, of course, the Google search engine is right at the top of the page.
On my home page I put the local movie listings, local weather, national news, and weird news from Reuters. Make your own home page! There are thousands of feeds you can subscribe to.

On my home page I put the local movie listings, local weather, national news, and weird news from Reuters. Make your own home page! There are thousands of feeds you can subscribe to.
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